Office ergonomics: Your how-to guide

The main problem with a laptop is that the screen and the keyboard are connected, making true ergonomic placement of the laptop keyboard and screen impossible. This is all to say that if you like a gaming chair’s design and features, don’t worry that it isn’t called an office chair. If you want to go beyond the typical black look for your chair, the Titan EVO 2022 is one of the best out there.

work from home ergonomics

Have your own special workspace that is used exclusively (or mostly) for work. If you do not have a desk, you may consider purchasing a small one. No matter what kind of chair you use, you want something that will support your spine’s natural S-shape. In general, you should use a keyboard without an attached numeric keypad.

Kitchen Table

Your hands and wrists should be in a neutral posture, similar to your head. The hand, wrist, and forearm are practically flush, which is what you want. Hedge also had some tips for using inexpensive items—like a rolled-up towel for lumbar support and a laptop riser—to make any home office more ergonomically friendly. Some adjustable-height desks let you save settings, so multiple users can quickly access their preferred desk height.

If the screen is arm’s length away and you still can’t see what’s on screen, enlarge the text (or wear your glasses). Larger screens may need to be farther away than “arm’s length” for you to see everything properly. If your screen is already at the far edge of the desk (away from you), move your keyboard farther from the desk to achieve the right distance. Thanks to its portability, laptops are a popular computing option.

The Best Office Chairs for Working From Home

The problem is that once you’ve adjusted your chair to the right height, your arms may not be at the right height for the keyboard. Make sure you’re sitting evenly on your bottom and not tilting to one side or the other. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor (or your knees at about hip height). First, the top of the monitor should be at or slightly below your eye level. When you look at the middle of the screen, your eyes should look slightly down.

  • As helpful as Zoom is, it is no substitute for being in spaces with others across the day.
  • “Make sure any input devices you’re using, you can use with your hands in what we call a neutral posture for as much of the time as possible,” Hedge said.
  • When you use a laptop, you should use the same ergonomic setup for the screen.
  • To this end, key ergonomic concepts can be summed up with one word ‘N-E-W’.
  • Your back, your arms, and every other part of your body will thank you.